Trapper 3D

Category :
Languages : English
Content Rating : 4+
Size : 566MB

This game is interesting, fun game, easy game and really nice game.

I play this game is first time, but it is interesting game. I see the name of game is Trapper so I think some things are huge. But I download to my device and play, it is a game for relaxing. This game is high recommend to kids, they can play this game as well. The kids will happy with game because almost objects are really nice, colors so good. The kid and children play this game they feel fun too. I play it also fun, I get lock or trap the mini balls inside so I successfully and happy, and move up level.

With children are happy too, when they are winner. They trap or lock success so they will happy, and get points then level up.

I am very enjoy this game, enjoy the sound of game too, and enjoy a some ads also. This game is free, but some time to watch fews ads but very rare. So I love It too.

This game is high quality, so I will recommend it to more players and more friends. They will play and enjoy it with me.

The game is very easy to play, every people can play as well. Just use finger turn around the symbol to lock or trap the thing will pump mini balls out, so I have to lock all mini ball before balls will be pump when I press button “Go”. So this game very easy to play, high quality, and high recommend.