Super Fluid ASMR – Antistress

Category :
Languages : English
Content Rating : 4+
Size : 162MB

Amazing game it is. I download this game to play, because I saw the colour like I paint or like smork, that make me curious. So after game is already in my smart phone, I play at that moment. So amazing, I don’t know what happen game, my screen start to darker and I touch on, and interesting colour appear at that moment. I don’t know what?. Then I start to draw some thing on my smart phone’s screen then colours appear, amazing I can draw some thing like a dragon, cloud, or a rooster also. You touch difference places on screen so difference colour is appear, then you can mix them together are become a new colour. I keep doing draw and mix colour about ten minutes, I don’t know how level up to the third levels, so amazing game.

This game is good for kids play too, because game is very easy and simple.

When I feel bore about this game, so I set for rate game and I saw button play station then touch on, and wow a lot of game appear I can choose other game then download and play more, so easy and faster than I think, and more convenion on this game.

Sound in this game is good too, I can enjoy a bout that.

Every action is clear on this game, I love it.

I will recommend this game to the other, and to my friends for they play too, and they will be enjoy it. And they will give you developer  more best reviews.

Thank you very much.