Summer Sports Water Park Slide

Category :
Languages : English
Content Rating : 4+
Size : 189MB

This game is  not bad.

Download easy, nice colour, nice music, beauty swimming pool.

Evey arts in this game is very good.

But, when I tap to play is not like I want. It is not easy to run, maybe internet connection or reasion for your game. And many ads on it, I can not play. If possible developer made more easier to run the game. Maybe this game good for people use laptop or Ipad.

When I start the game, first thing I saw that ads, so I don’t like to see ads before play. Maybe developer will remove ads. I can watch ads to get more coin to play for free, this way I except ads.

I can not recommend this game to the other players, because I can not play well. But I saw this game made well oganized for arts, sound, and colour all well done.

So I need developer can heard trust from me to make your game is better and better.

I play this game is not at all. First time, I choosed the girl moves to the pool and swim and dive and she stop for long time and disappear, I don’t know what happen, maybe connection internet?. Second times, I choosed the boy, and I control he move and to the rock yard then he standing there all of time for long time there and I can not do any things more, then I take of sreen by button of my phone, maybe internet connection is not very well? I just see the ads on top of my sreen only. So I don’t know what happened. That my experience to play this game like that. So I say it not very well