Subway Surfers

Category :
Languages : English, Dutch, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Traditional Chinese, Turkish
Content Rating : 9+
Size : 346MB

This game is too great, beautiful, and so high quality.

This is the first time I play this game, but I can say that I love too much this game.

The game is easy to play, I just tap on screen and move the boy, the boy run follow railway and the guard follow to catch the boy, I am as the boy. So I have to run faster the guard, many time I run and hit to the train, hit to the traffice light and the guard grab me up, and the game end, I have to replay. This game is make fun for me.

This game is realy beautiful sence, and views, I realy love this game. All Icons are beautiful and very clear, I play and enjoy very much.

One thing is make me very happy and relax that is music. The music is so great in this game, I enjoy very much so I will recommend this game to other players, and to my friends, because this game is so high quality.

I never see this game before, so this game is realy great game, developer made very well for this game. Thank you so much for your free game, I enjoy very much, music make me play this game longer on this game.

High recommend this game to children, they love this game than me, I think. So finally, this game is great, I enjoyable and relax with this game. Now you will take time and enjoy this game.