Shock Clock Arcade

Category :
Languages : English
Content Rating : 4+
Size : 13MB

This game so funny and easy to play and download.

I just tap my any finger on screen so hit to target and so quick. Every ground have score like target for me and I do well up level with other target. This game so good i like it. I also relax with sound of clock. Game also easy to play but if improve more difference music when I move other level or well done target that I easy to understand and love playing more non stop. And clock may be difference colours is better.

This game also great and free and no ads I just keep playing. Summary is great game, I will recommend this game to my friends and my family for they play this game, they will make target in their life will be better I think. So thank you for developer make this game so simple but great than. I will play it with free time and waste my time, and relaxing in break time, because I love sound of clock in this game. I will play this game in hard level to enjoy how hard is it, and how fast am I, then will see how my target. I will shoot mall small clock far away will take higher score that I want. I need to see beauty clocks in this game too if possible developer will make that my idea. Thank you so much for your free game, I will follow you for provide more game for free. Thank you.