Rain Drop Catcher

Category :
Languages : English
Content Rating : 4+
Size : 12MB

This game is nice, but I can not cach rain drop. It is like auto game.

I not really like this game, I don’t know how developer made this game. It is very good game but I do not like it.

I download game is easy, and easy to play but it is automatic game. I have to watch so many ads in the game. Developer want to business than build game. Not only me, I think almost players dislike this game.

The game is beauty, objects are nice, sound is good. But I don’t want to play more because to much ads and I difficult to play it. So I can not recommend this game to the other, because it not very well and not complete game.

I hope developer rebuild this game, I just tell the trust for you if you want more players download your game so you need to do that, and have to change for better. That is my opinion so you can make your self, I hope it better than in future. Now I do not play any more this game, and I do not remember this game, because it is not good for me play it, only start and one time that enough. If you want players play your game so you need make the game easy play and less and less ads, and more beauty. Any ways, thank you for your game, I will wait for an other game from you, this one is not good.