Ragdoll Heroe

Category :
Languages : English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Traditional Chinese
Content Rating : 9+
Size : 203MB

This game is beautifully,  colors are very nice, and very clear, and easy to play and easy to download it. I love to play this game very much.

But one thing in this game is too much ads. I have to watch a lot of ads. The most player they do not like it. Also your game is great but they don’t want to play, because to much ads they have to watch if they play your game. You want players watch your ads it is easy that you have to pay for them and they realy love your game, and play more and more.

Game is great, very nice but I have take time to enjoy ads, so I love this game but I don’t play it more. This game like not completed yet, because when I turn on sound but it doesn’t work, sound of ads are well done.

So I don’t recommend this game to other players, and to my friends because it is not complete yet.

I hope developer will build this game a gain if possible, I will waiting for your game when you rebuild it.

The symbols of game are nice, is beauty, and player can get higher score that I love to get score but I don’t want to watch much ads before get score.

That is my idea of this game, so developer will be change it if possible. I just leave a honest review to you, that developer will be better in future if have change some things as told above.

Thank you for your game.