Category :
Languages : English
Content Rating : 4+
Size : 192MB

This game is amazing, very beautiful color, easy to download, easy to play, I love it very much.

I play this game as second times, this time is amazing as game is updated. I play so smooth and higher skill than the first time. I see this game has some ads but it doesn’t matter to me, because it doesn’t need you have to watch if you want extra score or extra reward. I also like it ads too, it is fair. This time I play to the third levels, but I love it to much. I can play for waste time, some time I play at coffee shop as well.

The colors are very good, it makes me love so much, it is a bit change when I play level up, and more pretty colors. Any game is beauty colors are attraction for layer come to play, also sound is important too.

This game is easy to download to my device, this is important thing before play any game, so many games do not download to devices or have to pay for first, but most of players are  not want to pay for that, so this game is not paying, just play free.

This game is easy to play too. I just tap to place of the rule show me and move up, down, lelf or right follow your idea. On the way I move I have to enjoy some things like foods to get score, some time enjoy  strawberries too, it is interesting, and I have to enjoy all and finish foods that I finish my level.

This game is so good game, high recommend to the other players, I will recommend to my friend to play this game too.

This game is amazing, thank you very much for your developing.