My Town : Sweet Bakery Empire

Category :
Languages : English, German, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Traditional Chinese
Content Rating : 4+
Size : 333MB

This game is so good. I play this game is first time, but i feel it is great game. I become a role in this game is owner of my bakery shop. I can make Pizza with flavours I love. Pizza is fast food is my favourite. So I make many pizzas. In my shop in this game I have many things I will control, and I have a nice office too, I clean my shop like housewife too, so amazing this game. This game is make for children mainly, they love it much than me, I am older. This game for children more suitable, they love colour, they want to make every thing and they can learn become a real life as become a chef, become a owner that is big wish for them in future right. And children can be work well in their life. This game I see every thing is good to learn for my life in real, because some time i want to make cake, pizza or some drinks , I will forget some thing like ingredients, how to make it, but this game remind me. I like it. I will tell with my friends about this game for they try to play and they will give to you about good reviews as well. Developer made this game so clever, I like construction in this game very much, thank you very much for your game. Now I will play again to make more Pizza that food I like.

Thank you very much.