Legend of the Moon

Category :
Languages : English
Content Rating : 9+
Size : 123MB

This game is great, it easy to play and easy to download to my device. All objects are very nice, and beautiful. Sound as music is great. So I love this game.

The first time I play this game, I never play any fighting game like this. But I really like it. Let tell a bit about this game.

First, I am a hero and learn and practice fight before I go to help other people and kill monsters. I make a mistake is open door for monsters escape out and they kill all of people in the village. So I have to kill all of them to guard the village, So I am a hero. That is great game.

All sences in this game are very legend, as a old village, that make players love to play. Players are love all most game like this game.

This is easy to play, I play on cell phone but I feel very comfortable to play. I just press J as jump, A as attack, and two button move front and back very easy, I love it.

And easy to download and start game, and I don’t see any ads in there. This is time I enjoy much about game, and play also well too.

I really enjoy the music in this game too, it is important to play any game, it make me more relax and happy too.

I will recommend this game to other players and to my friends, I think they will love this game much as me.

Finally, this game is great and high quality.