Kitty Q

Category :
Languages : English, German
Content Rating : 9+
Size : 101MB

This game is very good, I love Kitty, she so beauty. The game is nice for kids too.

I very happy to see this game, and I load it to my cell phone and play it with my daughter, she love it.

Any game is differences. With this game, I recommend the player download it and play with their kids, it is good game, and very attractive to kids, because it has a Kitty, is beauty Cat and is famous name on the world, I think most of people know a bout Kitty Cat. So this is great game for kids. The most people I saw they play and feed the animal in there devices, it is amazing. This game is good for them try feed Kitty Cat also.

Almost objects in this game are nice and pretty. Pink Kitty, and a nice cup, and television pretty too. Any things are well done. Developer build this game very well. I think players love this game, and they will take it to device and give for their children play. It is a game good for children than adults.

The sound in this game is great too, players like this sound, and music of game. You can download it and try and enjoy it, it is free game and no ads in there.

This game is easy to download and easy to play, and players can make  community with there kids as well.

I will recommend this game for more players and my friends for they play and enjoy it.