Iced In

Category :
Languages : English
Content Rating : 4+
Size : 142MB

This game is beautifully, all icons are well done, very clear, and very beautiful view.

This game is amazing game, easy to me dowload to my device, and easy to play too.

One thing is in this game make me love and want to play more time that is make me smarter. This game practice mine mind to smarter, because I have to set up for solve like captcha to unlock jail for some one escape out. I have to find key to unlock the box, here not a key, only one ice scuba, I push ice scuba move to the button to unlock to break the jail. In first level, it easy to do that, second levels a bit hard and to the fourth levels harder. So this game make me smarter. I play to the fourth level and can not pass yet, I feel difficult already.

This game is very beautiful views, I love to much this game, it makes me think about noel, all the views set about pine trees, snow, ice and so on, all of them are beautiful.

The sound is also great, I really enjoy sound, and really enjoy the game, l will play more and more this game to practice mine mind.

This game is suit for childrend play it too, because it is easy and beautiful views and icons, that making childrens love it and play this game more and more. I will recommend this game to other players and my friends for they play it. It is so great game.