Ice Cream Truck

Category :
Languages : English
Content Rating : 4+
Size : 277MB

I tell this game ICE CREAM TRUCK is fantastic game for player.

This game is good challenges for kids who want to make ice cream.

I love to drive truck go around for sell ice cream.

This game so great when I play and felling it. First I make ice, I never make before I just see my daughter made it and clever. I see this game good challenge for her my daughter. I made 3 ice creams with difference cup and design flavours I like as chocolate, vanilla or some more I like. Then I keep all ice cream in ice box and put them in truck drive to sale. More amazing with me you use your device move left or right side look like you are driving car but this game is driving Ice Cream Truck, it is amazing I never know before.

Beside I make Ice-Cream also I can make candy too. What I can see some one make it on the school yard but now I practise in my cell phone look easy but not. After I make candies and also I sell them too. And I got money in the app. So fantastic with this game. If this game do not some advertise it is better than, and put more music in is great and make more relaxing on it.

And make for every people like it so producer make more thing for funny and easy mode use on device that should be better I think.

Thank you very much for your game. Now I have experiences.