Hacked By llslowll

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Languages : English, Danish, French, German, Japanese, Spanish
Content Rating : 4+
Size : 120MB

This game is realy good, but I see many ads. The game is so good, and easy to download to my device, you know some app to hard to load to device because many phone not enough data to except game, but this game is easy, that is great. When I start to play this game I realy confuse, how I move long legs in this game, it makes me thinking about, then I start to tap on screen then long leg step and fall, becauseĀ  I am a new player, I don’t know how I keep balance, and long legs fall and also get some money because fall to money and get too.

This game is fun, then I start second times try to keep balance and get more coins, is amazing. It is not easy to next level, long legs have to pull some think behind also, make more difficult to move, I tap long legs move just one step and fall, it so heavy behind. That is fun.

The developer mades this game is clever. Build long legs so long and very thin look like two bamboo sticks. And colours nice and clear. Music is nice, it enough for relax when player waste time. The most players play game for relax and waste time. Very comfortable when I play this game, I can see more game differences of developer want to promote, If I want to play new game I can download straight, that so comfortable. I will recommend this game to other players and to my friends too, I think they like it.