Garbage Truck 3D Trash Games

Category :
Languages : English
Content Rating : 4+
Size : 191MB

This game is great game I can tell.

Setting up in game is clever, beauty colour with environment.

Sound is very good.

The game is as real city. Not only play game, I also enjoy environment too.

This game is great, I will be become a driver, and first time job with driving garbage truck so it is interesting job. I can learn other job. First time I control tool hold the bin and I throw on the sky not put garbages in truck, I laugh too much, that is not experience for first time. And second times or more I do well. I put the bin with garbage out side the truck so you will minus 10usd.  This game is excellent game, for every people can play and download easy, children can learn how they keep environment cleaner. Thank you very much to developer made this game.

The sound is nice, and close to game than, because the truck out side, is great sound look like I stay on street.  I can see other car, an other garbage truck too, I move my truck along street and clean all bins so each bin I clean I get lot of money on game. That so great for new job and good game.

I will recommend for my friends play this game or they can download this game for their kids play and learn is very good challenges. Thank you very much for your game, that is my reviews about this game follow My felling when I was.