Futsal Tactic Board

Category :
Languages : English, Japanese
Content Rating : 4+
Size : 36MB

This game is very good. I love it. Afrer I download it, I did not know how I play. Then I try to kit the ball, but no. The ball wasn’t move, that I was wrong rule.

This game is not kit on. I just draw and paint colour I like. And put the player in place you want as follow rules of fusta is better. I love this game much. Afer I finish this game I put related game and I see other game similar. After I play I will take photo as shoot screen and keep for gift like that. It is beauty game, and pretty colour.

This game is very good for kids, they can play them self easy and they will manage what they want.

Kids are loving this game, becauseĀ  it is full pretty colours, they can pick with colour they want, all kids they love painting , I think.

This is great game I see. If possible, the game have a bit music so better I think. I play game and music together.

The most people they play game thay want to hearĀ  the sound, so music make player feel not boring about game.

So thank you very much for your game developer. So I will play this game more time than, and I will recommend for more people to play this game, and they will say what the game is with all best reviews to your game. So thank you very much, this is great game I see.