Flow Free

Category :
Languages : English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Traditional Chinese
Content Rating : 4+
Size : 57MB

This is very good, I play it so easy, and easy to download, but it needs a bit music is better.

This game is very good, because I see how I play well, I can make mine mind better way. I will choose right way to go as in this game. In the game, I will comebine two colours together, in one level I can choose 30 seconds or 1 minute or more longer time to complete level, then I play in fix time and done, almost colours stay difference places but they not difficult to combine the line, one line is one colour and correct, when comebine all colours in time I will complete level. That is great work and good game.

This game is easy to play, I can play for 5 minutes and completed 7 levels. Because I choose normal game and easy game. This game for children play well. I can give this game for my children play, they will enjoy the game.

This game is one of games easy download, I will compare with other games, this game is best to download to my device, and quick connect, and quit game any time faster than other game, I like it.

This game is very good, sound is only one sound. I think if possible, developer will change sound to music is more fun and more relax with players. All most games are best music so more player come and download game. That is my idea, and my experience when I play the game.

Thank you very much for your game, I will recommend this game to the other players.