Fill me up – Block Fitting Puz

Category :
Languages : English
Content Rating : 4+
Size : 30MB

This is amazing Game, I like it.

This game is very nice colours, sound is great, all objects are very clear, and beautiful.

I like to play this game very much. First, easy for me download this game to my device, and fast. Easy to play. Just put to block blank and win and level up. You will make full a square with some thing like puzzel in square so get level up. After block you will see beautifull picture, pictures are as you just painting or just draw, it is amazing. I play for 10 minutes so I get level up to 11, that is great to me. Now you can do like me and let me know after 10 minutes play, so who will higher level. That is very good to play and compare with your friends who become to winner.

This game is very good to play with children, I think they love this game, because easy to play and beautifull colours.

This game is very simple, play this game is fun too. I play this game more time than other game, I am not a player but I love this one to much. I will recommend to other players to play this game, then I will get more comments from them.

High recommend this game to my friends, they will play for waste time, or what ever they want.

If possible, developer makes this game wider, because it still small place in desk or tablet, or cell phone. If this game wider is better, and more attractive for most players.

Almost this game is well done.