Fantasy Hunter

Category :
Languages : English
Content Rating : 9+
Size : 68MB

This game is interesting game. I play is first time, so I like it. For the first time play I do not have any experience to play, so I just get  not to much score, about few hundred score on it. But I see this game is a great game. I try to use a weapon I do not remember name of weapon in this game but it not a gun, not an any shapes, I for got name of this but I like it. I use weapon to hunt birds, big monsters, If I hunt a lof of them birds and monsters so I get higher score and keep up level.

This game is so nice I like to play more, but I can not find any music, I love music but in this game is not.

If possible, developer have to impeove a bit music on this game I think more fanstatic game, so more people come to download and play.

This game is easy play, easy download in app store their phone, and colour is pretty in this game. I will recommend this game for my friends, and my family play it.

I played this game two times a day, that I know how great game and how I get higher score. If this game play on ipad that better and nicer than phone. But play by phone more comforetable than.

Thank you very much for your game, developer. This game is great game, I like it and I think my friends will like playing this game too.