Evil Escape 3D Scary game

Category :
Languages : English
Content Rating : 17+
Size : 219MB

This game is good for me to play. I have good challenge by this game. I try to escape through but to difficult for me. Let play this game and try to escape I you have good challenge you will be escape better than me. I try to find out the key to unlock the door but can not, I try my best.

This game is good game, developer make well done, but I need some more music make more interesting while playing. This game is difficult for me to play this.

This game is not not free, I don’t like to pay so I happy to watch ads video to continue play, most people want free game, but I understand about that. It is no problem with ads. In my opinion this game is interesting to play, I will recommend for other friends to play and I will how they find out the door key. I looked around to find but did not find key yet. I like this game. Thank you developer make the game, so if possible improve some thing like music and less ads.

I will play more to find out the key, and I need my friends help me to find.

So this game is good to play to practice my mind. Thank you again for developer make this. Some thing need to improve if possible, that my idea.

I just play and try my best , I feel this game is good to play to waste the time well.