Elimination Games

Category :
Languages : English
Content Rating : 9+
Size : 67MB

This game is excited, sound is great, beautiful objects, easy to download, easy to play, and feeling great.

I love this game so much, I play this game I feel so excing, any thing is great, this is the first time I see this game, but this game make me so exciting, I play all of time. I will recommend to the other players and to my friends they will play this game as me, and they will love this game too.

This game easy download to my device, and setting then play, so funy, I die all of time, because I move don’t stop and I will be shooted by guard, this game has a rule is limit time when the guard turn around for few seconds that I can move, when the guard turn a gain and who still moving so will be killed by him, and winner is a person who come to the guard first. This game is funny.

All objects are beautiful, colors are beauty, and very clear objects. This game has score when you win, if you lose so you have to replay.

This game You can play with your friends, when you download and sign up with your name and your friend too and play together. This game is so funny.

Let come to play it still free now, and don’t need to watch any ads, I like it.

Finaly, this game is great, high quality, and high recommend. Thank you so much for developer made this game, almost well done.