Dreamcatcher-The lost feathers

Category :
Languages : English
Content Rating : 4+
Size : 328MB

This game is fanstatic, In first time I play this game. This is difficult to control the ball go pass black hole. Fist level is easy, seconds also easy play and when play level up more difficult because I have to make ball pass over black holes quickly, If not, some thing like the hearth will be get in to the holes. This game is great, I like it. I can make mine brain is trend because have to pass dangerous holes. So That reason I can say this game not easy but great game.

Colours are beauty full in this game. And the music is great, I feel relaxing in it.

The game is really fanstatic, I can play and relax with music when I have free time, and I spend more time in this game.

I like the feather, they are so nice. When I control the ball pass up to feathers, so I can get one or two or three score, and level up to higher. And higher level so more difficult to play.

It is so great game, and how difficult are you want to enjoy.

I enjoy very much in this. But not easy for me pass holes to catch feathers to get high scores. Developer is clever to make this game, I like it, and I will recommend this game for the other people play it. I think they like to play this game too.

This game is also kids play well too, give for them try and get challenge for them about their mind, and can learn how is clever too.