Draw Boxing

Category :
Languages : English
Content Rating : 4+
Size : 100MB

Draw Boxing is amazing game, beauty colors and high quality.

This game is great, I can play all day with this game. It is very comfortable to use, and play. You can draw betting with your way, and you can play follow your mind, you can see your enemy and you draw and manage how to knock out, and winner. After I become winner, I get some coins and level up.

This game is very easy to play, and you can try it now, it download too fast and run well on your device. I love this game because it is very good game and very high quality, and special thing is not any ad. I play and enjoy very much, I did not watch any ads in this game, so perfect time to play and enjoy game. One thing must to improve is sound, I did not heard any sound in this game, so if possible builder of this game should engage a little sound to this game, the most players play game they need to relax than play game. Game is very good, so this game is high recommend to the other players, and to my friends. This game is not permission for kids player, because boxing is like a bit violence I think, so this is my opinion about this game, I want all of games are the best to players and keep going to develop in future.

This game is great, beauty object and high quality, I love it.