Dining Legend

Category :
Languages : English
Content Rating : 4+
Size : 142MB

This game is very good, easy to play it, almost well done.

The beauty game, I love it. This game is easy to play, I just move icon as a waiter and I will get orders when vister come to my restaurant, I pick what they order and bring to them. My job is easy, I just cook and bring food for my guests. This is good for children play. All of them like to work as service, so they love this game. But this game is not good with sound, the sound is lack. With me I play any game that have to have music. The music make me more relax and not get boring, this game as more businesses than game. I saw some time players have to pay to buy some thing in the game. So developer should make game more free than sell is better.

The game is good, all objects are nice, but I play not very well, I move very slow and make my customer angry bacause sevice slow. This game is also good quality and I will recommend to other players, and recommend to my friends, and you will know how is your game, they will tell you their comments. I think this game good enough, just add more music for more relaxing when they play your game, when they love your game you will get high points and you can business well at that time. That is my opinion, so any ways this game is good.