Color Bump – Avoid Obstacles

Category :
Languages : English
Content Rating : 4+
Size : 72MB

This game is so good. It is easy to download from the app store, easy to play, and nice sound too.

I can download from CH Clay in my cell phone, and I play it and I see this game is great but not easy for me level up. I have to play very clever, because my ball move by my finger control, and If I hit to other ball difference colour so my ball is damaged. That is amazing game. It very hard for me play but I love this game.

The sound is nice, It is important to me when I play any game. Because, music make me enjoy and relax. I play game not only for win but also for relax during free time and waste time, so music is important with me.

All most colours are beauty in this game, I love all colours. And all balls are nice. Developer makes it so good looking and enough attractive.

I will recommend this game to my friends and my colleages, and they will love this game as me I think. The most people play game they just relax and for waste the time and some of people they want to get reward so that many options for them. Any ways, I would like to say thank you very much for your building this game, it so amazing game, nice sound, beauty objects. It is really play for relax, and I already enjoy it so much. I will spend more time in this game.