Card games – Bragging master

Category :
Languages : English, Arabic, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Thai, Traditional Chinese, Turkish, Vietnamese
Content Rating : 4+
Size : 41MB

This is amazing, I love this game, because easy to play, and easy to download it. I would like this game have more music, because this game is for relax not play as gambling.

I try to play with two players, they play very well, so I can not win. I play game not very well.

I see this game is not bad, but I think developers need to add some amazing music is better than. The music always make players love to play longer time, they will enjoy the game more time, this game only sound very simple with me.

This game is also nice colors, very clear background, easy to tap and pick the card, and very fews ads, ads are not problem in this game, but most player love more music.

This game is useful for people know the rules of play card, and this game just for adult play, the most players are doing well not like me, I think you play better than me, so let come to play and get win and smarter than.

Nowadays, player game like play card they do not come to some places, they just download directly to device and they can play, so that developers make game should be make more interesting for players, and more attractive game. So finally, this game is not bad just add more music or more sound in the game is better. So thank you very much for your game, I will recommend to other players and my friends play too.