Cake Pop!

Category :
Languages : English
Content Rating : 4+
Size : 217MB

Hi, I would like to give a comment for this game, and I have some ideas about this game.

This game is very beautiful, easy to download, and easy to play.

This game is high recommend for kids player. Because the game is easy to play and colors are high quality make attractive for kids. Any things are well done.

The sound is great, enough to play and to relax in this game. Almost players are kids I think, because all of cakes in this game so nice, so beautiful, and look so delicious too.

I play this game and I unlocked one level, I will continue this game more, because I love to see and enjoy cakes.

This game is high recommend to other players and to my friends, they will play and enjoy game with there kids, and their children, then they will give more comment about this game.

This game is easy to download to device, and run so fast, I just combine all same cakes in one line so complete the task and get points. Combine more cakes are higher points, and quick unlock level, if you play well so unlock all and get huge score in this game.

This game is great and high quality. I will recommend it to more people, who love this game so they will get it to device and play or for their kids play.

Thank you so much for great game, any things are well done in this game, and so high quality game.