Bullet Knight

Category :
Languages : English
Content Rating : 12+
Size : 70MB

This game is good. A little difficult to control on cell phone, but every things well done. I have an experience to play this game. I played by two fingers left and right of two hands and tap on screen on bottom of my phone make monster move higher and higher and get higher score. If I make my monster fly more and more higher that I get more score then I can share with friends and you get more free rimes to play or I will watch ads and continue play. I don’t like watch ads much but because I want play game so have to watch, I see uncomfortable to watch ads. This game is good to play for practise strong mind and work higher successfully I think.

One thing I need producer improve the colour and bigger arts in this game, they are too small to see, and effected by colour too. The colour is lighter I think that. If possible you can improve that again make game better and better. I try to play more and more time with this game , because  I want to get highest score like other my friends. This game is good but some things I said above need to rebuild them for more fun. All most people play game for fun mainly, this game is fun two when monster fly to high and finish blood and go down. Because on the way go up so many knife along the way and I have to careful  but  a lot of time hit to knives and shape that why blood finish so fast. Then have to retry.

Ok so this game is good, I will play more and more to discover it.

Thank you.