Break Brick Out

Category :
Languages : English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese
Content Rating : 4+
Size : 81MB

Wow, This game is amazing. I play this game is the first time but it makes me love it to much.

I would like to talk a bit a bout this game. The game is very clear about colours, and items, and music also great. This game is easy play, I just bet the ball for it hit to brick and make brick damage that I get score. But I have to control the bank to keep the ball is not fall to floor. If the ball fall to floor sp I lose and have to retry. That is way how to play this game, it is so easy to play.

This game is easy to download it to device and I haven’t see any ads, I love it when no ads.

This game is beautiful colours, the colours are making me play game more time. Colours are so clear.

The sound is great. I love it very much, it make me more relaxing.

This game can play with kids, it is easy and clear, and beauty make kids have fun when they play. Many games are not allow kids play I know, but this game I recommend to them. I will recommend this game to other players and my friends play it. It is so great game and high quality.

Thank you very much for your game, developer made it well done. I play it and love it to much.

Now let download and play with me and will feeling and enjoy it.