Brain Riddle – DOP Brain Out

Category :
Languages : English
Content Rating : 4+
Size : 284MB

This game is great for adult.

It so good game, I alway play this game for watse the time, I play it when I have free time, when I stay at bus station also I play it any where I can.

This game is easy to download and easy to play.

Almost sences in this game is very clear, music and sound are great all. I can play and relax in it. Some times I see so funy game. Like I play to level 10 or more I forgot it, but so fun like the Arter, he painting picture but the girl behide  the paper painting. It is great the painter draw the girl not painting view. And some more sences in this game so fun, and easy too play. That cool game, I like it.

All colours are in this game so nice. The colour make player like to play more time, it really clear basic colours.

But this game is not good for childrens under 16 years old. Because in some sences are as nude arts, that is not good for them the childrens. That is my idea, because in my country is not good looking for kids, for childs about like the girl wear only underwear. This game is good for adult I think.

So I love this game very much, thank you for your design the game. I will recommend this game to more players to play, and I also recommend to my friends, to my family with adult play this game. I think all of them love this game.