Bottle Jump Flip 3D

Category :
Languages : English
Content Rating : 4+
Size : 82MB

This game is amazing. I can play for one hours with this game. I love the bottle, it is many colours you can choose. This game is easy to download, and easy to play. You just tap finger on sreen and control how far bottle jumps. I play a bout two grounds and I have experience to play this game. You play well you can get higher score, and more diamond on this game. Childrens are playing this game well too, I think they like this game. Because, the sounds is nice, and many colours too.

This game is great, I will recommend it to my friends, and my family to play it. This game I can play for waste time or just enjoy in tea break.

The arts are so good in this game, many nice decoration likeĀ  some things in a house. A lot of objects in this game, and I tap bottle jump to all objects in this place and look like you running compare with the other to endpoint first,you are winner. Here, this game bottle will jump step by step to the enpoint where system of game set already and you will get score and move to next level.

Thank you very much to developer made this game, it is great game. So I will play more and more to see how high score and how clever am I. Let do it your self and take your free time here in this game, and leave your comment about it.