Bomber: Build And Run

Category :
Languages : English, Catalan, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Spanish
Content Rating : 9+
Size : 164MB

This game is great game.

I play this one I saw easy game, all arts in the game are so nice, beauty sence, and nice colour, sound also realy nice. I like this game very much.

After I download the game, I start to play, first I play gameĀ  with many players, I have to avoid the boom if not I will fall off, and I have to take some thing maybe wood to build the stair way like my house have stair go up to seconds floor or thirds floor like that. I run a round compare with other player who collect and build stair way finish earlier than the other so get higher score, this game so fun. I run and collect and avoid the booms, some time I hit to some one and I fall off. The style game like that, but I feel fun.

Then I choosed other game is build rail way, this one I make a lot of credits. This one I have challenge and I play only me, so I like game build stair way than.

Any unit game in this one is great, beauty, and nice. I like to play all of these game. I will recommed this game to the other, and friends to play the funny game and very good game. This game is easy to control and download, and easy to play. So the game is a great one I can tell.

Thank you very much for developer made this game, it is great game.