
Category :
Languages : English, French, German, Italian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish
Content Rating : 4+
Size : 137MB

This game is great game, the game like Mario game.

I like this game so much, now I have challenge to play this game. Before I difficult to play Mario so now , I think this game easy and Mario game allo easy game for me. But I love this game “Blon”than. I love because it is easy for me play and easy download the game. The Blon  in the game is so nice look like a bit water drop. On the way Blon move so Blon have to eat some thing like fruits to keep stronger, and Blon have to jump for moving faster than, if stop will be die and restart level. So Blon keep going do not stop, and have to eat on the ways.  It is fun game. I like the view in this game, because I saw flowers, mushroom, and some else. But I need to improve colour is clearer a little bit that better than. It is beautiful sight why do not have beautiful items in this game.

The sound is great in this game.

So developer make any thing is the best at all for game. I like it. So I will play more and get higher score. I will recommend this game to my friends and my family to play then they will enjoy it, I think. You will heard some things the best to your game soon.

Thank you very much for your making this fame, it is so good, fun, and more experiences to play this game.