Block vs Block

Category :
Languages : English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese
Content Rating : 4+
Size : 21MB

This game is so great. Before I have played this game in normal cell phone so it make me unsubcrise. But today, I downloaded this game in smart phone so amazing game. This game make me fun and want to discover for long. This game is easy game, play in smart phone or laptop, and Ipad is much better than. I can see most of objects are clearer, and easy mode to move and block it easy. I block more and get more score, It is up to you are clever or not. I play this game and do compare with my wife also my wife downloaded this game already too.

This game is excellent music. I played and enjoyed game then music to much. I play game is not very well, but I enjoy music so well, I like it this game.

I play game not only game, I also relax with music that developer set in this game very well. I will play this game when I have free time, or for waste time as well

The colour is in this game is nice, and pretty too. This game also suit for kids play too. They can manage their mind to set and bock follow rule in this game as well I think.

So many game are similar of this but this game is best as me see. I play more and enjoy music with this game. Thank you very much for your game developer, I hope you make more game interesting, music nice as well for every one can play and enjoy it.