Block Ocean

Category :
Languages : English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Traditional Chinese
Content Rating : 4+
Size : 169MB

This is great game, beauty colour, nice sound, easy play, and challenge.

This game is so nice, I like it. I change my eyes to Ocean when I play this game, because the colour is beauty. This game very good game to play, it is easy download, play and get good challenge in mine mind. I will think how I move for next step puzzel to get high score. I play when my energy on the bar tool is full so I complete level then move up to different level. So I have high score or not it’s up to my moving puzzel. I organize right so get high score and fill full energy soon and level up faster. That my challenge when I play this game.

This game is nice colour with sence and diamond blue, green, yellow, and purple colour all good colour to look.

This game is good for kids play too. I saw some fishes in this game, that fish is attractive for kids, I think so.

I recommend this game for people who has kid. This game will mention looking for kid, some time parents want their kid to do some thing and they can look on this game, I think.

I play this game more and more, then show this game to my friends to play.

The game is also nice sound too, I like it. It is good for relaxing when I rest time.

Thank you very much for developer made this game, this game is usefully.