Belt Them All

Category :
Languages : English
Content Rating : 12+
Size : 188MB

This game is very educational.

Who play this game?

So this game is educational because I see this game train for belt. The most people they drive so they have to belt them for safety. So this game is similar and simple and also difficult.

This game is simple, because easy to play, I just do one action is use belt and fastened, keep for some one fix in the playground. This is a game reminds me when use service in water park be careful with some service have belt. I learn a lots in this game.

I play and get score by step as first level to thirds level I fastend only one person, and after playground action if my guest still in playground so I get $100. When I go to up level fourth, I have to belt for two poeple so a little difficult but funny, sometimes I fastened not very well so my guest fall out so I lose my score, and replay.

This game teach for people will be careful in playground, so very good game.

Who play this game? This game is useful so it gives for any one can play. Most players just try how hard of game, it is better for teens age play. Because I think that better for them teens age, they need to carefully themselves.

One thing is in this game must develop is sound. I do not hear any sounds in this game or any music. So developer need to improve and add sound in this game for better, and make game is not boring. Any things in this game is well but one thing have to improve. Thank you very much for your game, it is interesting.