Basketball Odyssey

Category :
Languages : English
Content Rating : 4+
Size : 340MB

This is very good game, and useful.

I play this game and I love it. I can try mine mind become to better, and not lazy like that. When I play it I feel very strenght, I have to practice to play basketball, it is not easy to play basketball, I think I play better in game but not like I thought. So you can play and know how hard game. Difficult to get score, I play to level thirds and play so long but not get any score. I play this game is not very well, but I love it to much.

Developer is made it well done, but I see you can add sound more relax is better, and colors not clear. If music added in this game is better than, almost player want to play game and enjoy music, music more exciting so more players come to play your game. The color is still dark, if it is clearer so nicer game. All most players are love sight beauty, that make game more interested in. The game is nice but I did not see clear with objects.

This game is good to play, I will play more this game, and recommend to other players and my friends, I want all of them will play this game and then give you comments, and you will build better for your game. So any ways, this game is good, easy to download and easy to play, also good quality, and players don’t need to watch ads.