
Category :
Languages : English, Japanese
Content Rating : 4+
Size : 198MB

This game is exciting to me.

The game with nice system and design on it.

I really enjoyable on it. Play this game much easy and, I also relax in this game because music so nice for me. And easier to use and download them game. When next level has an ads I can see and can choose to other game If I feel interesting with that game. So back to game Ballmerge is good enough for me. I can play and enjoy music. And get high score to level up.

This game very nice colours with numbers too. All way I choose number red colour maybe Lucky number it is. I play 100% enough then level will be up, that is setting in the game and i have to complete it if i want to level up for other challenges.

One thing is amazing to me is the time setting is only 60s. I have to do quick combine same numbersĀ  together and get high score.

This is great game I like it. I will play more this game. And I will share to my friend and my family to play to. I think they will except this game and love to play this game like me.

One thing is on this game that shouldn’t put much ads to game make people don’t like it. Just see ads want they want to get higher score like that, when they not enough point to level up. Thank you very much for this game, so great for me.
