
Category :
Languages : English
Content Rating : 4+
Size : 200MB

This is so good game, I like this game because it easy to download to my device, and easy to play. Let I tell a little bit about this game.

This game is so good, I just tap on screen for object keep move and fly to other cercle look like the earth or sun or solars difference. When I run or move on there I enjoy some thing like energy, some time I hit to other object I will loose enery. I will get score when I pass and take enery enough and enough time limit. Any round has set time limit on it, from 1 minute, and second rounds is 2 minutes like that. If I pass I get higher score, and level up. This game is easy and I did not enjoy any ads in this game, that is great.

This game is nice music and sound. It makes me relax also, when I play for rest time and waste time. All arts in this game is good too, developer made them so clever, and so nice.

The sence in this game is suit for the game, any thing combine I mean they suitable for one game.

Colour is nice, but if it clearer is better, I saw a bit dark background. But consume, this game is good.

This game is easy play for kids too, so they can play this game.

I will recommend this game for my friend, and other players for they play and they will give you some more comments. So this game is good, I like it.