Assemble The Words

Category :
Languages : English
Content Rating : 4+
Size : 193MB

This game is so good, I can play for all time. Beautiful colours, so nice sence, and very clear.

This game is perfect. I play this gmae is the first time I say, and I see this is the best one.

The sound with actions in this game are great, they make me have to follow for long to play.

This game is very good for kids play and learn english, I am from Viet Nam so Iike this game very much, because I share this game to my children, they love it too. My childrens they are learn a lot of words of english in this game, and they will improve their skill to speak english too, this game is great.

This game is easy to download to device, and very easy to play. I play it so well, I just pick the letter of alphapet and put it in true the word like puzzel, and I have to pick correct letter if not I lost my time to pick a gain, any word have 20 seconds to complete, so have to complete at right time before times up, that I will be pass and move to next word and higher score.

This game is so good, I will recommend to other players, to my friends also, I think they love this game much. So highly recommend this game.

Developer made this game so good, any thing in this game very good, and pretty objects, beautifull colours, sound is great. So thank you so much, and I enjoy this game much.