Archery Shooting Master

Category :
Languages : English
Content Rating : 4+
Size : 156MB

This game is excellent game, very good arts, beauty sence, sound is so nice. Developer made this perfect game.

I play this game I feel great, the very simple to start. I download this game is easy from app store, I try to play this one, because this game like me in childhood period, I remember. Before I use some trees and made Archery and went to rice field to hunt snakes, it fun but true. The result is not any snake after hunting. So here is in this game so simple, just tap on sreen, I control archery and shoot to target at middle so get 10 mark, If I shoot not at middle but still in target also I get score depend on how far from number 10, so I get like 9, 8,or 7 point like that, It is interesting game. I shooted from level one to more level up if I do well, any level so difference time like 1 minute, seconds level is 1m30s like that, and difference score I have to complete, If not complete target in game rule I will lose and retry.

So any game have rule difference, so I have follow. The game is for fun and relax at all, win or lose is note important, just play and relax, play to waste the time too.

Sound is in this game so nice, I love to listen. The colour of this game is perfect.

Thank you very much for your developing this game, I will recommend to my friends to play the game and will give to you best comment.