Angry Zombie Shooter

Category :
Languages : English
Content Rating : 9+
Size : 80MB

Awsome Game.

This game is fanstatic game. Easy to download, easy to play, and do not to watch any ads.

This game is very clear on screen, beauty sence, nice sound, and easy action.

First , I choosed easy level to play and I feel to hard for me, I try to kill one Zombie, then two zombie, and more I can. I passed level when I kill all zombie in 8 bullets. Killing one Zombie is easy to complete level. Then I passed to many level I feel this is easy level, then I back to menu and choosed and tried hard level. Wow is difference.

With hard level, I do not see the line for bullet move, I have to think and control my self, so a bit difficult in first time to control bullets. I tried to kill one Zombie in 8 bullets, and I passed to next level, I killed two zombie in three bullets, and then easier for me to play this hard level. Now I feel hard and easy level is the same, but I like to play hard level than easy because I want to control my self. That is my experience to play this game. Now you can download and play and feeling about this game.

This game is amazing game. I will recommend to my friends and my colleges to play this game. And I will compare who will get higher score. Thank you so much for developer this game, this game is excellent game. I will play more and enjoy the game.