Absorb The Orb

Category :
Languages : English
Content Rating : 4+
Size : 62MB

Wow amazing game, beauty colours, excellence music.I play this game with none stop, I wan to play more time in it. I try how smart am I. Many orbs combine together I need to choose one or two times to absorb the orb. That I have to look the link of them and if I clever I choose right and just one time and done then get three star. But I do not very well some time I touch two or three time then have one star. That is not important on it, the thing is the game so good with orbs colour beauty make I look them longer than. About the music I like it, I feel relax while play game and not any ad, I like it. I have to play and unlock all level but I stop at round 60, still two more lock I need to do it. Developer is made this game so great that make me come back to this game and play, also I don’t forget to share to my friends to play too, I think they like as me. All most young people they play game, but not many they know about this one. That I will recommend to them. I surely the people who see this game and they will try and big thing is free game and no ads. Thank you so much for developer this game, it is great game. A lot people will see this game and play more and more.