Category :
Languages : English
Content Rating : 4+
Size : 111MB

This game is amazing game, I love it.

It is easy to play, just control how ball hit to target as number you see and get score, if i have target I will get more time as more ball to play if not will be retry. Construction of this game very simple that is easy to play this game. This game is not interesting much with me, but I see this game I can play and get more score I want.

This game is good but I need more music on it, the music is more attractive for audiences or player, they not feeling bore on this game, that I want developer improve it in this game. They want to play game for relax in rest time so music is important for game.

I like play game easy like this one, so I tell some idea to developer like that I want you improve it as well.

The most player is want to play game for relaxing at all. So they need some thing make them more attraction on it like musical.

So this game is good, I will tell to my friends play this game with me and will compare who will get higher score. I also recommend to my family to play this game too, and I think they like game simple like this game “AATAN”.

Thank you so much for your making this game for fun and relaxing and waste the time well. I will play more and more and tell you are excellent developer.