100 Balls

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Languages : English
Content Rating : 4+
Size : 27MB


Amazing to do this game with me. First time I play this game like this. I practice catching balls when I touch on the cup is moving and have to control for ball go down right to my cup that win. But I have to follow the time in this game and catch enough 100 balls or more than then I goal and get score.

This game I can play with my friends also, I compare with my friend who become winner, this game very exciting .

I feel more relax than strengths, because I play this game and listening music too, I think If the game more music more interesting.

I play this game I feel I play game show when I was travelling with my colleges on the beach side. The game I play on the beach side like this game but at that time I remember. My friend standing and holding the bowl with a lot of water and he fill for each member who is his team, but not useĀ  any cup to catch water they use their side up hands to keep water and run 100 metres to the big cup fill in and which team fill full water in the big cup first so that team is winner, that just story I remember when I play this game 100 Ball. So this game real game to play and it is good for all people also kids 3 years can play too. Thank you so much for producer. I will recommend this game to my friend and my family play. It is great game 100 Ball.